
A Big Win in Little Star Story Competition! 写作竞赛大获胜!

YCIS Beijing is proud to announce that three of our students have been awarded prizes in this year’s Little Star Short Story Competition!

我们很自豪的宣布,三名来自北京耀中国际学校的学生在今年的Little Star短篇小说大赛中获奖!

Entrants were asked to submit stories of no more than 2,000 words on the theme of “A Lesson”.

大赛要求参赛者以“A Lesson”为主题提交一篇不超过2,000字的故事。

Our warmest congratulations go to Hayley Graham, aged 10, who was awarded First Prize for her story “A Golden Lesson” for the second year running, and Li Sze Yu Tracy, aged 12, who was awarded Third Prize for her story “Sincerely, Dragon Boy”. Congratulations also to Sae Maekawa, aged 9, whose story “My Lesson” won a Complimentary Prize in the 9-Years-and-Under age category.

我们诚挚祝贺10岁的Hayley Graham连续两年获奖,今年她的故事是“A Golden Lesson”,获得一等奖;12岁的Li Sze Yu Tracy的 “Sincerely, Dragon Boy”故事获得三等奖。同时,我们祝贺9岁的Sae Maekawa,他的故事“My Lesson”在9岁及以下年龄组获得了纪念奖。

Ms Foster, YCIS Beijing Year 2 teacher, was one of the judges in the competition this year.

“A Lesson was an excellent theme” she said. “It sparked some really interesting and different ideas in our young writers. I was amazed by the diversity of the stories and the quality of the writing. Some were so well written that I really couldn’t tell if they were fact or fiction!”

北京耀中二年级老师Ms Foster是今年比赛的评委之一。“A Lesson是一个很棒的主题”她说。 “它激发了我们年轻作家一些非常有趣且与众不同的想法。我对故事的多样性和写作质量感到惊讶。有时候我甚至分不清这些精彩的故意到底是事实还是虚构的!”

On Sunday, winning students attended an award ceremony hosted by Claire McFall – award winning author of “Ferryman”. Our lucky students were able to meet Claire in person, discuss their stories and pick up some valuable tips on creative writing.

星期天,获奖学生参加了由《摆渡人》作者——Claire McFall主持的颁奖仪式。我们的学生非常幸运能够亲眼见到Claire,讨论他们的故事,并得到一些关于创意写作的宝贵提示。

Well done again to our YCIS Beijing prize winners. We look forward to seeing next year’s entries!


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